Condominium buyers (& sellers alike) in Belltown and Downtown Seattle have talked to me about crime in close conjunction with value. Buyers, when assessing the neighborhood, will be willing to pay less for a condo in an unsafe area. Seattle condo owners experience a strange dichotomy where million dollar homes share their front doors with nefarious characters. (Though it could be argued some millionaires are themselves nefarious.)
So what hope is there for condo owners? Could a caped crusader of sorts clean up the streets and in turn raise home values?
Could Phoenix Jones & The Rain City Superhero Movement, be what Belltown home owners are looking for? The Huffington Post reported that Phonex Jones “stopped an in-progress grand theft auto recently by chasing away the perpetrator”.While I find his antics amusing, I unfortunately don’t think he alone will affect condo sales… unless he wants to host the available condo tours in Belltown and downtown?